!عزیز بھائیو اور بہنو
قوم کے سخی حضرات، سخاوت کرنے والے اور مدد کرنے والے ٹرسٹو ابھی سخت مہنگائی اور اقتصادی حالات میں چندے کے لئےخصوصی درخواست کی جاتی ہے۔ چھوٹے چھوٹے بچے اور بچیوں کو قرآن شریف اور دین کی تعلیم دینے والے علماء ، حفاظ اور آپاؤں کے لئے للہ،زکوۃ ،صدقہ و خیرات رقم کے ذریعہ دل کھول کر مدد کرنے کی درخواست کی جاتی ہے۔ آپ براہ راست ہمارے اکاؤنٹ میں بھی بھیج سکتے ہیں اور ہماری طرف سے چندہ لینے آنےوالوں کی بھی مدد کر سکتے ہیں یا آپ کے فون کرنے پر آپ کے پاس آکر چندہ وصول کر لینگے۔ انشاء اللہ۔ نوٹ:- نقد رقم ، اناج اور کپڑے ہر چیز قبول کی جاتی ہے۔
Dear Brothers And Sisters!
Generous Gentlemen Of The Nation, Generous And Helpful Trusts! As You All Are aware Of The Present Situation in India is pethetic, Commodities and Food Prices at sky rocking due to High Inflation. You All Are Kindly Requested To Help Scholars And Guardians Through Lillah, Zakat, Sadaqah And Kheiraat (Charity), Who Teach The Holy Qur’an And Education Of Deen (Religion) To Young Boys And Girls. You Can Also Send Donations Directly To Our Account And Also Help Those Who Come To Collect Donations From Us, Or We Will Come To Collect Donations From You When You Call. Insha Allah. Note:- Cash, Grain And Clothing Will All Be Accepted.
ભાઈઓ અને બહેનો,
સમાજના સખી સજ્જનો તેમજ સખાવત કરનારા અને સેવાભાવી ટ્રસ્ટો! અત્યારની આર્થિક પરિસ્થિતી અને કારમી મોંઘવારીમાં ચંદા માટે ખાસ અપીલ કરવામાં આવે છે. નાનાં નાનાં છોકરાઓ અને છોકરીઓને કુર્રાન શરીફ અને દીનની તાલીમ આપતા આલીમો, હાફિજો અને આપાઓ માટે લિલ્લાહ, ઝકાત, સદ્કહ અને ખૈરાત વડે દિલ ખોલીને મદદ કરવા તમને અપીલ કરવામાં આવે છે. તમો સીધા અમારા અકાઉન્ટમાં પણ મોકલી શકો છો અને અમારા તરફથી ચંદો લેવા આવનારાઓની પણ ભરપૂર મદદ કરી શકો છો અથવા તમારા ફોન પર અમો પોતે આવીને પણ ચંદો લઈ જઈશું. ઇન્શાઅલ્લાહ. નોટ:- રોકડ રકમ, અનાજ, કપડાં દરેક જાતનો ચંદો સ્વીકારવામાં આવે છે.
20250205 Tahaffuz E Khatme Nubuwwat, Tahaffuze Aqaaid, Darul Uloom Hasaniya, Ualama Tarbiyati Ijlas, Mangrol
20240815 Jang E Aazadi Me Musalmano Ka Kirdar, 15th August Programm, Suffa English School, Ahmedabad
20240815 Bharat Ki Aazadi Me Musalman Aurto Ka Kya Hissa Raha, Quran Majeed Me Aaya Hua Imaani Jannati Aurat Ka Waqia, Shama Girls Madrasa High School, Ahmedabad
20230815 Hindustan Ki Aazadi Mein Ulama E Kiraam Ki Azeem Qurbaaniya, Vyara
20230125 Mulk Ki Aazadi Mein Madaaris Ka Kirdar, Jamia Islamia Mazhar E Haque, Aurangabad
20220815 Hindustan Ki Aazadi Mein Ulama E Kiraam Ki Qurbani, 15th August Program, Miskeen Education Waqf Co., Baroda
20220815 Hindustan Ki Aazadi Mein Musalmano Ki Qurbani, 15th August Program, Madrasa Darul Ehsan, Navapur
20210815 Bharat Me Islam-Musalman Ki Tarikh (History), 15th August Bayan, Vyara
20210126 Tarikh-E-Jang-E-Aazadi, Vyara
20210126 Jang-E-Aazadi Bayan, At Nobal Steel, Ankleshvar
Unlock the treasures of Islamic knowledge from the comfort of your home with our comprehensive online madrasa course. Delve into the richness of Quranic studies, Hadith, Islamic jurisprudence, theology, and Arabic language, guided by seasoned scholars and educators.
Elevate your experience with our unparalleled services. From personalized solutions to expert guidance, we are committed to meeting your needs with utmost dedication and excellence.
Promoting unity and compassion, our charity embraces people of all religions. We strive to alleviate suffering and uplift communities, transcending differences to create a world where kindness knows no boundaries.
In the pursuit of understanding, we engage in the meticulous interpretation and reflection on sacred texts. Our commitment is to delve deeply, transcending the ordinary, to extract profound insights and wisdom that illuminate the path of knowledge.
Explore the pages of our profound "Kitab," where each word unfolds a journey of contemplation and enlightenment. Immerse yourself in the wisdom within, as it navigates the depths of thought, offering solace and understanding.
Promoting unity and compassion, our charity embraces people of all religions. We strive to alleviate suffering and uplift communities, transcending differences to create a world where kindness knows no boundaries.
Explore the pages of our profound "Kitab," where each word unfolds a journey of contemplation and enlightenment. Immerse yourself in the wisdom within, as it navigates the depths of thought, offering solace and understanding.
Welcome to our Madrasa Student Photo Gallery, where we showcase the vibrant and diverse experiences of our dedicated students on their educational journey. Each image captures the essence of learning, camaraderie, and spiritual growth within our Madrasa community. Explore the moments of reflection, study circles, and engaging discussions that define our students' pursuit of knowledge and personal development. Witness the joy of shared accomplishments, the warmth of friendships, and the spiritual serenity that permeates our Madrasa environment. These photos tell a story of dedication, resilience, and the pursuit of a well-rounded education that goes beyond academics. Join us in celebrating the vibrant tapestry of experiences that shape our Madrasa students into knowledgeable, compassionate, and well-rounded individuals.