+91 91571 74772
Allah is the light (noor) of the heavens and the earth. ۝۰ۭالله نور السماوات والأرض.

latest Bayans

Kuntum Khayra Ummat 3 Sharton Ke Sath He, Nahi Anil Munkar Ke 3 Zaruri Darje, Islahi Majlis, Fajr Bad, Godhra

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Awliya Allah Ke Waqiaat Ke Fawaid, Kutub E Aalam Hz. Miaanji Noor Muhammad Jhinjanvi Rh., Islahi Majlis, Part 1, Masjid E Abrar, Godhra

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Vyara, Jumuah Bayan

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Masjido Ko Aabad Karo, New Masjid Opening Program, Hathoda

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Qurbani Ki Barkat, Hz. Ibrahim a.s Ki Seerat Ki Roshni Mein, Chudgar Masjid, Surat

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Maqam E Arafat Dua

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Hajio Me Bayan, Maqam E Mina

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Hajio Me Bayan

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Bayan, 6 Zilhajj Bayan, Makka Mukarrama

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Bayan, 5 Zilhajj Bayan, Makka Mukarrama

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Online Education

Unlock the treasures of Islamic knowledge from the comfort of your home with our comprehensive online madrasa course. Delve into the richness of Quranic studies, Hadith, Islamic jurisprudence, theology, and Arabic language, guided by seasoned scholars and educators.


Online Quran Learning

  • Flexible Learning: Tailor your study schedule to fit your lifestyle. Our online platform allows you to access lectures and materials anytime, anywhere.
  • Expert Instructors: Learn from qualified and passionate instructors who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to your virtual classroom
  • Interactive Sessions: Experience the essence of traditional madrasa learning through live sessions, interactive discussions, and multimedia resources.
  • Certification: Upon completion, receive a prestigious certificate affirming your mastery of Islamic studies.


Elevate your experience with our unparalleled services. From personalized solutions to expert guidance, we are committed to meeting your needs with utmost dedication and excellence.


Promoting unity and compassion, our charity embraces people of all religions. We strive to alleviate suffering and uplift communities, transcending differences to create a world where kindness knows no boundaries.


In the pursuit of understanding, we engage in the meticulous interpretation and reflection on sacred texts. Our commitment is to delve deeply, transcending the ordinary, to extract profound insights and wisdom that illuminate the path of knowledge.


Explore the pages of our profound "Kitab," where each word unfolds a journey of contemplation and enlightenment. Immerse yourself in the wisdom within, as it navigates the depths of thought, offering solace and understanding.


Promoting unity and compassion, our charity embraces people of all religions. We strive to alleviate suffering and uplift communities, transcending differences to create a world where kindness knows no boundaries.


Explore the pages of our profound "Kitab," where each word unfolds a journey of contemplation and enlightenment. Immerse yourself in the wisdom within, as it navigates the depths of thought, offering solace and understanding.